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Our Mission

Now, we need to revisit the enforcement of the failed Settlement in Percy v. Brennan.  

The Settlement failure caused by the State of New York’s actions or failure to act was compounded by the state’s blunder in failing to notify the court and the Percy Class of the failure of the Settlement. New York State then actively continued to interfere. The State of New York caused and continues to cause injury and damage to the Percy Class. Although the Settlement provided to the Percy Class has failed, it continues to remain on paper in the regulations of the State of New York and is uniformly ignored.

Now more than ever, the members of the Percy Class need to be identified. You are the core. Mr. Albert Percy has retained me to enforce the Settlement. I must identify who the members of the Percy Class are. Please respond by acknowledging receipt of an email that will be sent to you soon so that you can be maintained as a member of the Percy Class entitled to relief. Please distribute this by social media (Twitter, Facebook, email, oral communication, or old-fashioned snail mail) to black or Spanish surnamed persons whom you believe to be potential members of the Percy Class.

If there isn’t an identifiable community of black and Spanish surnamed persons brave enough to opt into the Percy Class, then for what purpose should this continue?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem continuing. Yet there must be a viable community of support for the Percy Class to make the journey worthwhile.

I hope that the Percy Class becomes organized as a social force to finally obtain relief from the State of New York by the enforcement of the Settlement in the Percy v. Brennan.

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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